Advertiser Integration
Integration End-to-End Testing


Use a test partner account with Linkbest to perform end-to-end testing to validate the following:

  1. Test if the partner tracking links are working correctly, redirecting visitors to your landing page (or deep-linking page) with a unique lbid=Tracking ID parameter.
  2. Confirm that conversion data is accurately reported to Linkbest and ensure the integrity of the required data.
  3. Verify that conversion actions are correctly attributed to the partner.
  4. Validate that the behavior of revoking and modifying actions is working as expected.

Step 1: Create an Advertising Campaign

Please create a test campaign in the brand backend and configure the corresponding commission policy.

Step 2: Obtain the Test Tracking Link through the test partner account

Replace "MyTestProgramID" with your advertising campaign ID to track the test using this link.

Step 3: Complete Conversion Actions

❗ Important Note!

When testing, consider disabling any ad-blocking or script-blocking extensions that may be active in your browser to avoid potential issues.

  • In an incognito/private browsing window, paste and visit the tracking link from Step 2.
  • Once you reach the landing page, complete the following test conversion actions in your store:
    1. At least two products with different SKUs.
    2. One product with a quantity value of 2 or more.
    3. Apply a promotional code (or coupon code) to the order.
  • Complete the order and proceed to checkout, ensuring that you reach the "Confirmation" page of your store to confirm that the order has been successfully submitted.

Step 4: Verify Data Integrity

📘 Note

Your test conversion data will appear in Linkbest within 5 minutes after submitting the API request from your server. If you confirm that the conversion events have occurred and the API request to Linkbest has been successfully submitted, but the conversion data does not appear in Linkbest after 5 minutes, cancel the order in your store and contact our integration engineer.

After the conversion data appears in Linkbest, verify the following:

  1. Order amount
  2. Order status
  3. Commission
  4. If a promotional code was used, verify that the promotional code is displayed correctly.
  5. If product detail data was included in your submitted data, verify the order's product details and SKU information.

Step 5: Perform Revoking and Modifying Actions

In your store, cancel or modify the orders mentioned above.

Step 6: Verify Data Integrity

Similar to Step 4, but only verify the modified content.