Advertiser Integration
APP SDK Tracking Integration

APP SDK Tracking Integration

*Suggested brands use API Tracking Integrationd. When there are major feature iterations, APP SDK integration may require version compatibility.

Obtain SDK & AppKey Before integrating the SDK, you need to first coordinate with the business team and provide the aOS package name and iOS bundle ID to obtain the SDK files and the assigned AppKey for your company.

Android Integration

Configuration of the project

Copy the relevant component JAR files into the "libs" directory of your project in Android Studio. Right-click on the project in Android Studio, select "Open Module Settings" and in the "Project Structure" dialog box, navigate to the "Dependencies" tab. Click on the "+" button at the bottom left, select the type of component package, and import the corresponding package.

Basic functionalities.


    public static void init(Context context, String appkey);


    Linkbest.init(this, "appkey");

Store trackingId

    Linkbest.saveTrackingId(Context context, String trackingId);

submit tracking data

    Linkbest.submit(Context context, OrderInfo orderInfo);

iOS Integration

Configuration of the project

XcodeFile —> Add Files to "Your Project",Select the SDK package in the pop-up panel and click "Add". (Note: Check "Copy items if needed" option.).

Basic functionalities.


    + (void)init:(NSString *)appKey;


    #import <Linkbest/Linkbest.h>
    [Linkbest init:@"Your appkey"];

Store trackingId

    + (void)saveTrackingId:(NSString *)trackingId;

submit tracking data

    + (void)submit:(OrderInfo *)orderInfo;

tracking data fields